Go From Good To Great In Your Relationships

Get Scot McKay's "The Golden Rule, Reversed"


The Golden Rule, Reversed (TGR-R) may sound like a Yamaha sportbike model, but it's actually Scot McKay's foolproof way to prevent oneself from being manipulated by anyone else, ever again.

The age-old Golden Rule, of course, states, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".

While some may guess that TGR-R might be to the effect of, "Do unto others before they do unto you", that's not how it works. Rather, TGR-R flips the perspective on the classic Golden Rule:

"When someone would seek to do something unto you, ask yourself, 'Would I in a million years ever try to do this to someone else?' If the answer is 'no way', then don't tolerate being treated that way yourself."

TGR-R can be freely applied with a clean conscience in almost any social situation, including on the job, in romantic relationships and even parenting. It is not gender specific.

The one major caveat is to be aware of how varying cultural values may affect what's socially acceptible when visiting other countries, etc. Even in that context, however, both the utility and relevance of TGR-R are surprisingly universal.

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