You Were Born To Attract Her ... Get Back What's Rightfully Yours.


Sample Twitter Messages

Here is a truly innovative way to promote The Master Plan. Send the following "tweets" using Twitter. Each has been proven to attract high quality clickthroughs. Be sure to replace "[link here]" with your actual live affiliate link, which should be shortened using a free service such as

An advanced Twitter marketing strategy that may prove particularly useful is to simply start a conversation with your followers along the lines of any of the major themes in The Master Plan. For example, you may ask for opinions on whether or not "be yourself" is good dating advice. Or, you may ask if your followers if they believe men need to reclaim real masculinity for themselves.

Then, once you've created interest, link to The Master Plan as a potential resolution to the issue. This strategy works tremendously well within the social culture of Twitter.

Feel free to contact me to discuss further ideas. We've got tons of BTDT on Twitter at this point.


RT @scotmckay: What if “be yourself” was actually GOOD DATING ADVICE? [link here]


RT @scotmckay: Guys, you were BORN to attract women: [link here]


RT @scotmckay: Guys, have you GIVEN AWAY your birthright when it comes to being a real man? [link here]


RT @scotmckay: Guys, if the RIGHT WOMAN comes along, will you be READY? [link here]


RT @scotmckay: Two neuter creatures CANNOT attract each other. Here’s the deal… [link here]





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